Sunday, November 27, 2011

Matthew Dubay, Wonderful, Amazing MALE, MAN

Matthew Dubay unintentionally became a crusader for ALL men, when he fought against a woman who deceived him of his reproductive rights a few years ago. His case was dubbed "Roe Vs. Wade for MEN". He ultimately lost, but WON in my book: he will be a pioneer in a new, better world for his fellow BROTHERS in the life of MANHOOD.

I also think there is an even better solution for you, Matt. Just stop dating women! Have sex with another man. It is truly amazing.. it's the most pleasurable experience you'll ever have. Just think: You'll never have to worry about pregnancy again. Plus, a man knows exactly how you feel, and you know how HE feels. Try it, man. You're a sexy man and any man would be lucky to have you!

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